Sunday, March 6, 2011

Dead Meat is Dead Meat

One of the biggest uproars thus far in Lady Gaga’s career occurred when she wore an outfit made of raw meat to the MTV Music Awards. Most shuddered in disgust at the fact that someone would dare to wear such an outfit out in public, however, the meanings of her outrageous attire is not always very obvious. After reading a CBS news story on Gaga, with an attached video of her speech at the MTV Music Awards, I was truly shocked and impressed to understand the full meaning of what she meant. According to Gaga “Dead Meat is Dead Meat.” She was covered in this meat while she attended with four soldiers discharged from US military forces under the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. I absolutely support her cause. She means that someone willing to put their life on the line for their country should be treated with utmost respect and admiration no matter their sexual orientation. She states that in a time of war when someone dies for their country they are not “gay and dead, or straight and dead, they are just dead.” Having a father who was in the Vietnam War, I was always interested in different situations surrounding military policy and one that I have always disagreed with is the ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy. Who are we as Americans to tell someone they CANNOT fight for our country and protect us simply because of who they love? I find it to be absolutely outrageous and I am so glad that she took a moral and ethical stand for these individuals who were willing to risk their lives for the very people who took away their honor and privilege. In the interview with 60 Minutes she says that she uses the media to make political statements but not necessarily her music.


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